Source code for hondana.chapter

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2021-Present AbstractUmbra

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import datetime
import logging
import pathlib
import time
from import Callable
from types import TracebackType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AsyncGenerator, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union

import aiohttp

from .errors import NotFound, UploadInProgress
from .manga import Manga
from .query import ChapterIncludes, MangaIncludes, ScanlatorGroupIncludes
from .scanlator_group import ScanlatorGroup
from .user import User
from .utils import (

    from os import PathLike

    from aiohttp import ClientResponse

    from .http import HTTPClient
    from .types_.chapter import ChapterResponse, GetAtHomeChapterResponse, GetAtHomeResponse, GetSingleChapterResponse
    from .types_.common import LanguageCode
    from .types_.errors import ErrorType
    from .types_.manga import MangaResponse
    from .types_.relationship import RelationshipResponse
    from .types_.scanlator_group import ScanlationGroupResponse
    from .types_.upload import BeginChapterUploadResponse, GetUploadSessionResponse, UploadedChapterResponse
    from .types_.user import UserResponse

ChapterUploadT = TypeVar("ChapterUploadT", bound="ChapterUpload")

__all__ = (

LOGGER: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Chapter: """A class representing a Chapter returned from the MangaDex API. Attributes ----------- id: :class:`str` The UUID associated with this chapter. title: Optional[:class:`str`] The manga's title. Interestingly enough, this can sometimes be ``None``. volume: Optional[:class:`str`] The volume identifier (e.g. '1') this chapter is associated with, if any. chapter: Optional[:class:`str`] The chapter identifier (e.g. '001') associated with this chapter, if any. pages: :class:`int` The number of pages this chapter has. translated_language: :class:`str` The language code that this chapter was translated to. external_url: Optional[:class:`str`] The chapter's external url, if any. version: :class:`int` The revision version of this chapter. .. warning:: THe :attr:`manga` and :meth:`get_parent_manga` will both return a :class:`~hondana.Manga` with minimal data if this Chapter was requested as part of a feed. The reason is that the ``Chapter.relationships["manga"].relationships`` key is null the API response during feed requests to avoid potential recursive data. """ __slots__ = ( "_http", "_data", "_attributes", "id", "title", "volume", "chapter", "pages", "translated_language", "external_url", "version", "_created_at", "_updated_at", "_published_at", "_readable_at", "_manga_relationship", "_scanlator_group_relationships", "_uploader_relationship", "_at_home_url", "__uploader", "__parent", "__scanlator_groups", "_cs_relationships", ) def __init__(self, http: HTTPClient, payload: ChapterResponse) -> None: self._http = http self._data = payload self._attributes = self._data["attributes"] relationships: list[RelationshipResponse] = self._data.pop("relationships", []) str = self._data["id"] self.title: Optional[str] = self._attributes["title"] self.volume: Optional[str] = self._attributes["volume"] self.chapter: Optional[str] = self._attributes["chapter"] self.pages: int = self._attributes["pages"] self.translated_language: str = self._attributes["translatedLanguage"] self.external_url: Optional[str] = self._attributes["externalUrl"] self.version: int = self._attributes["version"] self._created_at = self._attributes["createdAt"] self._updated_at = self._attributes["updatedAt"] self._published_at = self._attributes["publishAt"] self._readable_at = self._attributes["readableAt"] self._manga_relationship: Optional[MangaResponse] = relationship_finder(relationships, "manga", limit=1) self._scanlator_group_relationships: list[ScanlationGroupResponse] = relationship_finder( relationships, "scanlation_group", limit=None ) self._uploader_relationship: UserResponse = relationship_finder(relationships, "user", limit=1) self._at_home_url: Optional[str] = None self.__uploader: Optional[User] = None self.__parent: Optional[Manga] = None self.__scanlator_groups: Optional[list[ScanlatorGroup]] = None def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Chapter id={!r} title={self.title!r}>" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.title or f"No title for this chapter, with ID: {!r}" def __eq__(self, other: Chapter) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Chapter) and == def __ne__(self, other: Chapter) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Method to dump the chapter to a dictionary. .. warning:: The dumped dictionary is not standard ``json`` spec compliant. Returns -------- Dict[:class:`str`, Any] """ fmt = {} names = self.__slots__ if hasattr(self, "__slots__") else self.__dict__ for name in dir(self): if name.startswith("_"): continue value = getattr(self.__class__, name, None) if isinstance(value, property) or name in names: fmt[name] = getattr(self, name) return fmt
[docs] async def get_at_home(self, ssl: bool = True) -> ChapterAtHome: """|coro| This method returns the @Home data for this chapter. Parameters ------------ ssl :class:`bool` Whether to obtain an @Home URL for SSL only connections. Defaults to ``True``. Returns -------- :class:`~hondana.ChapterAtHome` The returned details to reach a MD@H node for this chapter. """ data = await self._http._get_at_home_url(, ssl=ssl) return ChapterAtHome(self._http, data)
@property def url(self) -> str: """The URL to this chapter. Returns -------- :class:`str` The URL of the chapter. """ return f"{}" @property def created_at(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When this chapter was created. Returns -------- :class:`datetime.datetime` The UTC datetime of when this chapter was created. """ return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(self._created_at) @property def updated_at(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When this chapter was last updated. Returns -------- :class:`datetime.datetime` The UTC datetime of when this chapter was last updated. """ return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(self._updated_at) @property def published_at(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When this chapter was published. Returns -------- :class:`datetime.datetime` The UTC datetime of when this chapter was published. """ return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(self._published_at) @property def readable_at(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When this chapter is readable. Returns -------- :class:`datetime.datetime` The UTC datetime of when this chapter becomes readable. """ return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(self._readable_at) @property def manga(self) -> Optional[Manga]: """The parent Manga of the chapter. Returns -------- Optional[:class:`~hondana.Manga`] The manga within the Chapter's payload, usually the parent manga. """ if self.__parent is not None: return self.__parent if not self._manga_relationship: return if "attributes" in self._manga_relationship: manga = Manga(self._http, self._manga_relationship) self.__parent = manga return self.__parent @manga.setter def manga(self, other: Manga) -> None: self.__parent = other @property def manga_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """The parent manga id of this chapter. .. note:: This can be ``None`` if the chapter has no relationships key. Or in the almost impossible situation that it has no ``"manga"`` relationship. Returns -------- :class:`str` The manga id. """ return self._manga_relationship["id"] if self._manga_relationship else None @property def scanlator_groups(self) -> Optional[list[ScanlatorGroup]]: """The Scanlator Group that handled this chapter. Returns -------- Optional[List[:class:`~hondana.ScanlatorGroup`]] The groups that handled this chapter's scanlation and upload. """ if self.__scanlator_groups is not None: return self.__scanlator_groups if not self._scanlator_group_relationships: return fmt = [ ScanlatorGroup(self._http, payload) for payload in self._scanlator_group_relationships if "attributes" in payload ] if not fmt: return self.__scanlator_groups = fmt return self.__scanlator_groups @scanlator_groups.setter def scanlator_groups(self, other: list[ScanlatorGroup]) -> None: self.__scanlator_groups = other @property def uploader(self) -> Optional[User]: """The uploader who uploaded this chapter. Returns -------- Optional[:class:`~hondana.User`] The user that handled this chapter's upload. """ if self.__uploader is not None: return self.__uploader if not self._uploader_relationship: return if "attributes" in self._uploader_relationship: self.__uploader = User(self._http, self._uploader_relationship) return self.__uploader
[docs] async def get_parent_manga(self) -> Optional[Manga]: """|coro| This method will fetch the parent manga from a chapter's relationships and cache the response. Returns -------- Optional[:class:`~hondana.Manga`] The Manga that was fetched from the API. """ if self.manga is not None: return self.manga if not self._manga_relationship: return if self.manga_id is None: return manga = await self._http._get_manga(self.manga_id, includes=MangaIncludes()) resolved = Manga(self._http, manga["data"]) self.__parent = resolved return self.__parent
[docs] async def get_scanlator_groups(self) -> Optional[list[ScanlatorGroup]]: """|coro| This method will fetch the scanlator group from a chapter's relationships. .. warning:: It is recommended to request this Chapter with the ``scanlator_group`` reference expansion, as this method will make an API call to request this data. Returns -------- Optional[List[:class:`~hondana.ScanlatorGroup`]] The scanlator group that was fetched from the API. """ if self.scanlator_groups is not None: return self.scanlator_groups if not self._scanlator_group_relationships: return ids = [item["id"] for item in self._scanlator_group_relationships] groups = await self._http._scanlation_group_list( limit=100, offset=0, ids=ids, name=None, focused_language=None, includes=ScanlatorGroupIncludes(), order=None, ) resolved_groups = [ScanlatorGroup(self._http, item) for item in groups["data"]] self.__scanlator_groups = resolved_groups return self.__scanlator_groups
[docs] @require_authentication async def update( self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, volume: str = MISSING, chapter: str = MISSING, translated_language: Optional[str] = None, groups: Optional[list[str]] = None, version: int, ) -> Chapter: """|coro| This method will update the current chapter in the MangaDex API. Parameters ----------- title: Optional[:class:`str`] The title to rename the chapter to, if given. volume: Optional[:class:`str`] The volume identity that this chapter belongs to, if any. chapter: Optional[:class:`str`] The chapter identity marking this chapter, if any. translated_language: Optional[:class:`str`] The language code this chapter is translated to. groups: Optional[List[:class:`str`]] The UUIDs representing credited scanlation groups for this chapter. version: :class:`int` The version revision of this chapter. .. note:: The ``volume`` and ``chapter`` keys are nullable, pass ``None`` to them to send ``null`` to the API Raises ------- :exc:`BadRequest` The request body was malformed. :exc:`Forbidden` You are not authorized to update this chapter. :exc:`NotFound` One or more UUIDs given were not found. Returns -------- :class:`~hondana.Chapter` The chapter after being updated. """ data = await self._http._update_chapter(, title=title, volume=volume, chapter=chapter, translated_language=translated_language, groups=groups, version=version, ) return self.__class__(self._http, data["data"])
[docs] @require_authentication async def delete(self) -> None: """|coro| This method will delete the current chapter from the MangaDex API. Raises ------- :exc:`BadRequest` The query was malformed. :exc:`Forbidden` You are not authorized to delete this chapter. :exc:`NotFound` The UUID passed for this chapter does not relate to a chapter in the API. """ await self._http._delete_chapter(
[docs] @require_authentication async def mark_as_read(self, update_history: bool = True) -> None: """|coro| This method will mark the current chapter as read for the current authenticated user in the MangaDex API. Parameters ----------- update_history: :class:`bool` Whether to include this chapter in the authenticated user's read history. """ if self.manga_id: await self._http._manga_read_markers_batch( self.manga_id, update_history=update_history, read_chapters=[], unread_chapters=None )
[docs] @require_authentication async def mark_as_unread(self, update_history: bool = True) -> None: """|coro| This method will mark the current chapter as unread for the current authenticated user in the MangaDex API. Parameters ----------- update_history: :class:`bool` Whether to include this chapter in the authenticated user's read history. """ if self.manga_id: await self._http._manga_read_markers_batch( self.manga_id, update_history=update_history, read_chapters=None, unread_chapters=[] )
async def _pages( self, *, start: int, end: Optional[int], data_saver: bool, ssl: bool, report: bool ) -> AsyncGenerator[tuple[bytes, str], None]: at_home_data = await self.get_at_home(ssl=ssl) self._at_home_url = at_home_data.base_url _pages = at_home_data.data_saver if data_saver else _actual_pages = _pages[start:] if end is None else _pages[start:end] for i, url in enumerate(_actual_pages, start=1): route = CustomRoute( "GET", self._at_home_url, f"/{'data-saver' if data_saver else 'data'}/{at_home_data.hash}/{url}", ) LOGGER.debug("Attempting to download: %s", route.url) _start = time.monotonic() response: tuple[bytes, ClientResponse] = await self._http.request(route) data, page_resp = response _end = time.monotonic() _total = _end - _start LOGGER.debug("Downloaded: %s", route.url) if report and self._at_home_url != "": await self._http._at_home_report( url=route.url, success=page_resp.status == 200, cached=("X-Cache" in page_resp.headers and page_resp.headers["X-Cache"].upper().startswith("HIT")), size=(page_resp.content_length or 0), duration=int(_total * 1000), ) if page_resp.status != 200: self._at_home_url = None break else: yield data, url.rsplit(".")[-1] else: return # This code path will only be reached if there was an error downloading any of the pages. # It basically restarts the entire process starting from the page with errors. async for page in self._pages(start=i, end=end, data_saver=data_saver, ssl=ssl, report=report): yield page
[docs] async def download( self, path: Optional[Union[PathLike[str], str]] = None, *, start_page: int = 0, end_page: Optional[int] = None, data_saver: bool = False, ssl: bool = False, report: bool = True, ) -> None: """|coro| This method will attempt to download a chapter for you using the MangaDex process. Parameters ----------- path: Optional[Union[:class:`os.PathLike`, :class:`str`]] The path at which to use (or create) a directory to save the pages of the chapter. Defaults to ``"chapter number - chapter title"`` start_page: :class:`int` The page at which to start downloading, leave at 0 (default) to download all. end_page: Optional[:class:`int`] The page at which to stop downloading, leave at ``None`` to download all pages after the start page. data_saver: :class:`bool` Whether to use the smaller (and poorer quality) images, if you are on a data budget. Defaults to ``False``. ssl: :class:`bool` Whether to request an SSL @Home link from MangaDex, this guarantees https as compared to potentially getting an HTTP url. Defaults to ``False``. report: :class:`bool` Whether to report success or failures to MangaDex per page download. The API guidelines ask us to do this, so it defaults to ``True``. Does not count towards your (user) rate-limits. """ path = path or f"{self.chapter} - {self.title}" path_ = pathlib.Path(path) if not path_.exists(): path_.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) idx = 1 async for page_data, page_ext in self._pages( start=start_page, end=end_page, data_saver=data_saver, ssl=ssl, report=report ): download_path = path_ / f"{idx}.{page_ext}" with open(download_path, "wb") as f: f.write(page_data)"Downloaded to: %s", download_path) await asyncio.sleep(0) idx += 1
[docs] async def download_bytes( self, *, start_page: int = 0, end_page: Optional[int] = None, data_saver: bool = False, ssl: bool = False, report: bool = True, ) -> AsyncGenerator[bytes, None]: """|coro| This method will attempt to download a chapter for you using the MangaDex process, and return the bytes of each page. This is similar to :meth:`.download`, but instead of writing to a directory it returns the bytes directly. Parameters ----------- start_page: :class:`int` The page at which to start downloading, leave at 0 (default) to download all. end_page: Optional[:class:`int`] The page at which to stop downloading, leave at ``None`` to download all pages after the start page. data_saver: :class:`bool` Whether to use the smaller (and poorer quality) images, if you are on a data budget. Defaults to ``False``. ssl: :class:`bool` Whether to request an SSL @Home link from MangaDex, this guarantees https as compared to potentially getting an HTTP url. Defaults to ``False``. report: :class:`bool` Whether to report success or failures to MangaDex per page download. The API guidelines ask us to do this, so it defaults to ``True``. Yields ------- :class:`bytes` The bytes of each page. """ async for page_data, _ in self._pages(start=start_page, end=end_page, data_saver=data_saver, ssl=ssl, report=report): yield page_data
[docs]class ChapterAtHome: """ A small helper object for the MD@H responses from the API. Attributes ----------- base_url: :class:`str` The base url for the MD@H connection hash: :class:`str` The hash of this chapter. data: List[:class:`str`] A list of page hashes for this chapter, for download/reading. data_saver: List[:class:`str`] A list of page hashes for this chapter, for download/reading. These pages are of "data saver" quality, compared to full quality :attr:`data` """ __slots__ = ( "_http", "_data", "base_url", "hash", "data", "data_saver", ) def __init__(self, http: HTTPClient, payload: GetAtHomeResponse) -> None: self._http: HTTPClient = http self._data: GetAtHomeResponse = payload self.base_url: str = payload["baseUrl"] chapter: GetAtHomeChapterResponse = payload.pop("chapter") # type: ignore # can't pop from a TypedDict self.hash: str = chapter["hash"] list[str] = chapter["data"] self.data_saver: list[str] = chapter["dataSaver"] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<ChapterAtHome hash={self.hash!r}>" def __eq__(self, other: ChapterAtHome) -> bool: return isinstance(other, ChapterAtHome) and self.hash == other.hash
[docs]class UploadData: """ A small helper object to store the upload data for each upload session and holds respective responses and errors. Attributes ----------- succeeded: List[:class:`~hondana.types.upload.UploadedChapterResponse`] The succeeded responses from the upload session. errors: List[:class:`~hondana.types.errors.ErrorType`] The errors from the upload session. has_failures: :class:`bool` The upload has errors. """ __slots__ = ( "succeeded", "errors", "has_failures", "_filenames", "_cs_errored_files", ) def __init__(self, succeeded: list[UploadedChapterResponse], errors: list[ErrorType], /, *, filenames: set[str]) -> None: self.succeeded: list[UploadedChapterResponse] = succeeded self.errors: list[ErrorType] = errors self.has_failures: bool = len(errors) > 0 self._filenames: set[str] = filenames def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<UploadData success_count={len(self.succeeded)} error_count={len(self.errors)}>" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"UploadData with {len(self.succeeded)} succeeded and {len(self.errors)} errors." @cached_slot_property("_cs_errored_files") def errored_files(self) -> set[str]: """A property that returns a set of filenames that failed to upload. Returns -------- Set[:class:`str`] The filenames of the failed uploads. """ _succeeded: set[str] = set() for item in self.succeeded: for data in item["data"]: _succeeded.add(data["attributes"]["originalFileName"]) return self._filenames ^ _succeeded
[docs]class ChapterUpload: """ A context manager for handling the uploading of chapters to the MangaDex API. Parameters ----------- manga: :class:`~hondana.Manga` The manga we are uploading a chapter for. volume: Optional[:class:`str`] The volume name/number this chapter is/for. Defaults to ``None``. chapter: :class:`str` The chapter name/number. chapter_to_edit: Optional[Union[:class:`~hondana.Chapter`, :class:`str`]] The chapter we are editing, if we are editing a chapter. Defaults to ``None``. title: Optional[:class:`str`] The chapter's title. Defaults to ``None``. translated_language: :class:`~hondana.types.common.LanguageCode` The language this chapter is translated in. external_url: Optional[:class:`str`] The external link to this chapter, if any. Using this parameter requires an explicit permission MD side. publish_at: Optional[:class:`datetime.datetime`] The future date at which to publish this chapter (and pages) to MangaDex. scanlator_groups: List[:class:`str`] The list of scanlator group IDs to attribute to this chapter. existing_upload_session_id: :class:`str` If you already have an open upload session and wish to resume there, please pass the ID to this attribute. version: Optional[:class:`int`] The version you are updating a chapter to. Parameter is ignored if ``chapter_to_edit`` is ``None``. Raises ------- :exc:`TypeError` If you provide more than 10 ScanlatorGroups. :exc:`TypeError` If you provide a chapter to edit but do not specify the version. """ __slots__ = ( "_http", "manga", "volume", "chapter", "chapter_to_edit", "title", "translated_language", "external_url", "publish_at", "scanlator_groups", "uploaded", "upload_errors", "upload_session_id", "version", "_uploaded_filenames", "__committed", ) def __init__( self, http: HTTPClient, manga: Union[Manga, str], /, *, chapter: str, chapter_to_edit: Optional[Union[Chapter, str]] = None, volume: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, translated_language: LanguageCode, scanlator_groups: list[str], external_url: Optional[str] = None, publish_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, existing_upload_session_id: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: if len(scanlator_groups) > 10: raise ValueError("You can only attribute up to 10 scanlator groups per upload.") if chapter_to_edit and not version: raise ValueError("You must specify a version if you are editing a chapter.") self._http: HTTPClient = http self.manga: Union[Manga, str] = manga self.volume: Optional[str] = volume self.chapter: str = chapter self.chapter_to_edit: Optional[Union[Chapter, str]] = chapter_to_edit self.title: Optional[str] = title self.translated_language: LanguageCode = translated_language self.external_url: Optional[str] = external_url self.publish_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = publish_at self.scanlator_groups: list[str] = scanlator_groups self.uploaded: list[str] = [] self.upload_errors: list[ErrorType] = [] self.upload_session_id: Optional[str] = existing_upload_session_id self.version: Optional[int] = version self._uploaded_filenames: set[str] = set() self.__committed: bool = False def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<ChapterUpload id={self.upload_session_id!r} current_uploads={len(self.uploaded)}>" async def _check_for_session(self) -> None: route = Route("GET", "/upload") try: data: GetUploadSessionResponse = await self._http.request(route) except NotFound:"No upload session found, continuing.") else: raise UploadInProgress( f"You already have an existing session, please terminate it: {data['data']['id']}", session_id=data["data"]["id"], )
[docs] @require_authentication async def open_session(self) -> BeginChapterUploadResponse: """|coro| Opens an upload session and retrieves the session ID. Returns -------- :class:`~hondana.types.upload.BeginChapterUploadResponse` """ manga_id = if isinstance(self.manga, Manga) else self.manga if self.chapter_to_edit is not None: chapter_id = if isinstance(self.chapter_to_edit, Chapter) else self.chapter_to_edit return await self._http._open_upload_session( manga_id, scanlator_groups=self.scanlator_groups, chapter_id=chapter_id, version=self.version ) return await self._http._open_upload_session( manga_id, scanlator_groups=self.scanlator_groups, chapter_id=None, version=None )
[docs] @require_authentication async def upload_images( self, images: list[pathlib.Path], *, sort: bool = True, sorting_key: Optional[Callable[[pathlib.Path], Any]] = None, ) -> UploadData: """|coro| This method will take a list of bytes and upload them to the MangaDex API. Parameters ----------- images: List[:class:`pathlib.Path`] A list of images files as their Path objects. sort: :class:`bool` A bool to toggle if we sort the list of Paths alphabetically. sorting_key: Optional[Callable[[:class:`pathlib.Path`], Any]] A key to use in the sorting of the list of above paths. This callable is passed to the ``key`` parameter of the ``sorted`` builtin. If ``None``, the default sorting key is used. Returns -------- :class:`~hondana.chapter.UploadData` The upload data object of this upload session. .. note:: If ``sort`` is set to ``True`` then the library will sort the list of image paths alphabetically. This means that ``1.png``, ``11.png``, and ``2.png`` will be sorted to ``1.png``, ``2.png``, and ``11.png``. The autosort the library provides only supports the following filename formats: - ``1.png`` - ``1-something.png`` .. note:: If ``sorting_key`` is provided, then it must be a callable that takes a single parameter of ``pathlib.Path`` and returns a sortable value. This means that the return value of ``sorting_key`` must be richly comparable, with ``__lt__`` and ``__gt__``. """ route = Route("POST", "/upload/{session_id}", session_id=self.upload_session_id) success: list[UploadedChapterResponse] = [] if sort: sort_key = sorting_key or upload_file_sort images = sorted(images, key=sort_key) chunks = as_chunks(images, 10) outer_idx = 1 for batch in chunks: form = aiohttp.FormData() for _, item in enumerate(batch, start=outer_idx): with"rb") as f: data = form.add_field(, value=data) self._uploaded_filenames.add( outer_idx += 1 response: UploadedChapterResponse = await self._http.request(route, data=form) for item in response["data"]: self.uploaded.append(item["id"]) # check for errors in upload if response["errors"]: self.upload_errors.extend(response["errors"]) success.append(response) data = UploadData(success, self.upload_errors, filenames=self._uploaded_filenames) return data
[docs] @require_authentication async def delete_images(self, image_ids: list[str], /) -> None: """|coro| This method will delete image(s) from the pending upload session. Parameters ----------- image_ids: List[:class:`str`] A list of pending image IDs. .. note:: If you need these IDs during an existing context manager, you can access ``uploaded`` and find it from there. """ if len(image_ids) == 1: image_id = image_ids[0] route = Route("DELETE", "/upload/{session_id}/{image_id}", session_id=self.upload_session_id, image_id=image_id) await self._http.request(route) return route = Route("DELETE", "/upload/{session_id}/batch", session_id=self.upload_session_id) await self._http.request(route, json=image_ids) if self.uploaded: self.uploaded = [item for item in self.uploaded if item not in image_ids]
[docs] @require_authentication async def abandon(self, session_id: Optional[str] = None, /) -> None: """|coro| This method will abandon your current (or passed) upload session. Parameters ----------- session_id: Optional[:class:`str`] The session id which to abandon. Will default to the current instance's session. """ session = session_id or self.upload_session_id if session is None: return if session == self.upload_session_id: self.__committed = True await self._http._abandon_upload_session(session)
[docs] @require_authentication async def commit(self) -> Chapter: """|coro| This method will commit the pending upload session and return the valid chapter. Returns -------- :class:`~hondana.Chapter` """ payload: dict[str, Any] = {"chapterDraft": {}, "pageOrder": self.uploaded} payload["chapterDraft"]["volume"] = self.volume payload["chapterDraft"]["chapter"] = self.chapter payload["chapterDraft"]["title"] = self.title payload["chapterDraft"]["translatedLanguage"] = self.translated_language if self.external_url: payload["chapterDraft"]["externalUrl"] = self.external_url if self.publish_at: payload["chapterDraft"]["publishAt"] = clean_isoformat(self.publish_at) route = Route("POST", "/upload/{session_id}/commit", session_id=self.upload_session_id) data: GetSingleChapterResponse = await self._http.request(route, json=payload) self.__committed = True return Chapter(self._http, data["data"])
@require_authentication async def __aenter__(self: ChapterUploadT) -> ChapterUploadT: if self.upload_session_id is None: await self._check_for_session() session_data = await self.open_session() self.upload_session_id = session_data["data"]["id"] return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType] ) -> None: if self.__committed is False: await self.commit()
[docs]class PreviouslyReadChapter: """ A richer interface for chapter read histories. Attributes ----------- chapter_id: :class:`str` The previously read chapter's ID. read_date: :class:`datetime.datetime` The datetime (in UTC) when this chapter was marked as read. """ def __init__(self, http: HTTPClient, data: tuple[str, str]) -> None: self._http = http self.chapter_id: str = data[0] dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(data[1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) self.read_date: datetime.datetime = dt
[docs] async def fetch_chapter(self, *, includes: ChapterIncludes = ChapterIncludes()) -> Chapter: """|coro| This method will fetch the chapter from the ID in the read payload. Returns --------- :class:`~hondana.Chapter` """ data = await self._http._get_chapter(self.chapter_id, includes=includes) return Chapter(self._http, data["data"])